The Symbiosis Tree For Life Patron.
Dear ——————————
I am writing to invite you to participate in a most exciting and timely project, the Symbiosis Tree For Life.
The Symbiosis Tree For Life Is a multi layered project centred on the ethical and aesthetic use of land. The land and its’ use has always been the real source of wealth! Without it, we cannot exist. In our “what’s in it for me society”, we are constantly at risks of undermining the practices that emphasise the value of working together and looking after each other.
I am asking you to become a patron of our organisation and to help us achieve our goals. We have a number of well planned programmes that we will be very happy to share with you. We are also very happy to share our aims and objectives along with the people who are currently at the forefront of the organisation.
I consider that you can play a very critical role in achieving these goals and will be very pleased to have you on board.
I look forward to receiving your response and will send you any further information you require.
Yours sincerely
Errol Taffe
Director Symbiosis Tree For Life.