Opal Symbiosis Meeting intro

The Synergy of symbiosis logo.

Symbiosis:  (The combined power of group partnerships.  working together to create a combined power & voice, achieved by each working  with symbiosis ethos and unity. Team work partnership at its best).

A Growing Movement.
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in Black-owned farms and a growing movement to support and promote diversity within the agricultural sector. Organizations, activists, and farmers themselves are working together to raise awareness about the contributions of Black farmers and to address the systemic barriers they face. One notable example is the “Black2Nature” initiative, which aims to increase the representation of Black people in natural spaces and reconnect Black communities with the outdoors.
This initiative recognizes the historical and cultural significance of land to Black communities and seeks to create opportunities for engagement with nature, agriculture, and food systems. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in agriculture are gaining momentum.
Organizations are working to provide training, mentorship, and resources to aspiring Black farmers, helping them overcome the challenges of entering the industry. Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on the importance of diverse representation in leadership roles within agricultural institutions. Policy changes are also being advocated for to address historical disparities. Calls for fair access to land, financial support, and market opportunities are becoming more vocal. These changes are essential to level the playing field and ensure that Black-owned farms have an equal chance to thrive.


Marjorie’s Apple Products set up to provide Apple Products from Symbiosis Tree For Life orchards. All from organically grown apples, with 100% profits to symbiosis Tree For Live Bursary.



Symbiosis Village

To everyone gathered here today: Let the resilience of the Windrush generation serve as a beacon of hope and perseverance. May their legacy in British agriculture continue to inspire new generations to nurture the land with the same fervor and passion. Together, as we honor their contributions and confront the challenges of equity and innovation, we plant the seeds for a future where diversity flourishes and resilience is the harvest we all share.
We would like to invite Oprah to a Symbiosis Group Collaborative Partnership Meeting.
Showing a bright Symbiosis future with Full opportunities available to our personal & Group wealth, by Sharing in the power of financial Symbiosis Partnership.
This meeting will involve the sighing a full robust Non Discloser Agreement.
We hope to see you all at a Opal Symbiosis Meeting soon at a date to be agreed.